Premiere Pro is a professional video editing program that allows you to edit video from a number of different sources and publish edited videos to many different formats. In this training, you'll be creating a video highlighting a selection of different dances, and in the process you'll gain familiarity with the Premiere Pro interface and learn how to perform a number of different editing tasks.
Learning Objectives
- understand terminology used in video editing
- create, edit, and combine sequences
- edit and combine audio, video, and still images
- create titles and credits for videos
- publish a video to a format suitable for web use
Prerequisite Skills
- Use a mouse and keyboard
- Work with basic video editing programs, such as the video editor in Photos on Windows or iMovie on MacOS
For a more in-depth look at the content of Premiere Pro: The Basics, view the title contents below.
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- This course contains training material only.
- Participants who are not affiliated with Indiana University will need your own access to installed and licensed software, according to the training topic. This will allow you to follow along and participate in the hands-on exercises.
- If you do not have access to the needed software, you can still enroll in the online course and read the course content.
More information about this course
This online course is free to everyone and available for enrollment through IU Expand.
This course consists of a series of short lessons, examples, demonstrations, practice quizzes, and hands-on exercises.
To complete the course content, you will need:
- a web browser and internet access to use the course material on IU Expand.
- a copy of the software relevant to the training installed on your computer.
Premiere Pro: The Basics Contents
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Explore the contents of Premiere Pro: The Basics:
Learn more about Premiere Pro and its interface, as well as the project created as part of this course.
Explore how to create a new project in Premiere Pro and import media assets to use in a project.
See the full content for Creating a new project and importing assets.
Explore how to create a sequence based on a clip that's been imported into a Premiere Pro project.
See the full content for Creating a sequence based on a clip.
Learn more about the Timeline panel, including how to zoom in and out on the Timeline panel's contents and how to navigate to specific frames in a sequence.
Practice using various methods for editing video clips, including trimming clips on the timeline, setting the in and out points using the Source monitor, and applying transitions.
Learn how to work with audio in a project, including adding audio clips, changing the positioning of clips on the timeline using the Track Select tool, and adjusting the volume level for different tracks of audio in a sequence.
Practice the skills you've learned so far by trimming the video clips on the timeline so they end not too long after their accompanying voice-over clips.
See the full content for On your own: Trimming the ends of the video clips.
Explore how to add titles to a sequence using the Type tool.
See the full content for Adding titles to a sequence using the Type tool.
Learn about the different transitions available in Premiere Pro and how to apply the default transitions to clips in a sequence.
See the full content for Applying default transitions to clips in a sequence.
Learn how to use the New Sequence dialog box to create a new sequence.
See the full content for Creating a new sequence using the New Sequence dialog box.
Explore how to work with still images in a Premiere Pro project, including adding images to a sequence and adjusting the length of multiple still images at the same time.
Explore how to find templates in the Graphics Templates panel and edit them using the Properties panel while creating the opening title for a video.
See the full content for Creating titles using the Graphics Templates panel.
See how the Essential Sound panel can make it easy to adjust audio clips in a sequence.
See the full content for Adjusting audio using the Essential Sound panel.
Practice the skills you've learned up to this point as you create the ending credits for the video.
See the full content for On your own: Creating ending credits.
Learn how to combine multiple sequences in a project.
Explore options for exporting a completed project as you export the Dances video.
Authoring and asset credits for Premiere Pro: The Basics.
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