
General Service Frequently Asked Questions

IT Training is a group within the Learning Technologies division of University Information Technology Services (UITS). We offer a variety of training materials and courses to IU constituents (students, faculty, and staff) and to the general public. 

To learn more about IT Training, visit our About page.

The staff of IT Training includes people from various backgrounds who are all dedicated to providing high-quality information technology educational resources. To see who these people are, visit our staff page.

IT Training is no longer offering regularly scheduled training sessions. 

Some of our training partners still offer scheduled events. You can find the schedule of their offerings on the IT Training events page

IT Training can provide assistance and accommodation for individuals in need for our events and online course materials. 

Advance notice is important and allows us to best meet your needs. Please contact us if you are in need of any accommodation.

The privacy of individuals who visit the IT Training website and use any of our services is one of our top priorities. To learn more about what IT Training does to protect your privacy, see our Privacy Policy.

Requested Session Frequently Asked Questions

You can request a customized training session for your academic class, department, or group. These group training sessions are available to IU audiences and their external collaborators.

Note: These training sessions are not one-on-one consultations.

Generally, a requested event can be scheduled as soon as three weeks from the request date.

IT Training will contact you about your request within three business days to begin the scheduling process. 

Any topic listed on the Explore Topics training catalog and many more are available for request. These sessions are customized to meet your needs. If the IT Training team can't provide training for your group, we will put you in touch with a team or other resource that can assist you.

Yes! IT Training offers custom sessions on many topics not included in our training catalog. Once you have requested your session, you will be contacted by IT Training to help narrow down your training needs.

IT Training online course content can be imported into any other course in Canvas at IU. To learn more, see our instructions on importing content from IU's Canvas Commons.

Online Courses Frequently Asked Questions


Courses provided by IT Training are ongoing and self-paced. There is no start or end date for learning the content.

NOTE: Due to software updates or changing needs of users, some content might become unavailable after a certain date. This allows us to keep our course catalog up-to-date and consistently provide users with instruction on the latest topics and practices.

Our courses, by themselves, are not available for academic credit. Enrolling and taking IT Training courses via IU Expand will not grant academic credit to participants.

The exception to this rule: An instructor of an academic course can import our course content into an academic course via Canvas Commons and require that students complete certain exercises as a course assignment.

All IT Training Online courses include:

  • Step-by-step instruction
  • Exercise files to allow you to work along
  • Instructional videos for reinforcement
  • Quizzes to check comprehension

Each course is fully online and self-paced. One course may take two to four hours if completed in its entirety. Content can be explored in shorter, non-sequential segments as well. 

Since IT Training courses do not have a start or end date, there is no deadline for completion. Complete the course content at your convenience. Once you are enrolled, you are enrolled for as long as you have an IU user or guest account.

If you get stuck in one of our courses, please contact the IU Support Center


Of course! After completing a course, you will remain enrolled. Feel free to log in to either review the content, use it as a reference, or take the course again.

You can also access the content of the courses directly from the course descriptions in the Explore Topics catalog.

You can access the course content without enrolling in a course by finding the course description on the Explore Topics catalog

To see the available PDF manuals and exercise files created by IT Training, visit our training download page. This content is only available to IU students, faculty, and staff with a valid IU CAS login.

If the title you are interested in is not listed on that page, we no longer offer its content as a PDF. Please find the course description in the Explore Topics catalog or enroll in the course via IU Expand.

If you are an instructor and would like to include IT Training content in your course, the following options are available:

IT Training does not provide PDFs of material that has been converted to the online delivery format.

The only PDFs that are available to include in a course packet are the PDFs listed on the PDF Material Download Page. If the PDF you desire is not on that page, IT Training does not grant permission for the content to be reproduced.

For assistance enrolling in one of our online courses, contact us

If you find an error in course content, contact us through the Canvas Course Feedback Form to let us know. In the description field of the form, please be sure to include the course name and the name of the page where you found the error.   

Certificate Series Frequently Asked Questions

IT Training provides access to many services providing certificates, certifications, and other credentials. To learn more, see Earn Credentials.

NOTE: At IT Training, a certificate usually indicates that you've attended training, whether online or in-person. Certification indicates that you've successfully completed an assessment that appraises your knowledge or skills on a topic.

Yes! Feel free to enroll in as many certificate series as you desire. 

To access an online course, use either your IU login (IU students, faculty, and staff) or your IU guest login (non-IU learners) to log in to Canvas

The certificate for each series is awarded on successful completion of a final online exam. The final exam can be accessed via a hyperlink in each course.

All audiences are eligible for being awarded a certificate on successful completion of the final exam for the series.

Once earned, the certificate is automatically awarded and available in the IU Expand student dashboard. Instructions for accessing your certificate are within the final exam course.

Yes! We are hard at work developing new course and series content. The following series are currently under development:

  • Basic Web Application Coding Certificate Series