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Our award-winning training is now available to everyone at no cost -- you don't have to be part of IU. And because our courses are online, you can take them anytime, anywhere.

Learn something new, strengthen your skills, even earn a digital certification.

It's never too late (or too early) to learn with online courses from IT Training.

All UITS IT Training course content is available for reuse via Creative Commons licensing (CC BY-NC-SA).

Popular training categories

Our most requested training sessions are on Adobe, Google, and Microsoft products. Use the buttons below to explore available training.

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Browse by topic

Browse for training by topic (e.g. design and media, coding, productivity) with the navigation on this page.

You can also show all training topics, see all online courses, or find training by software developer (Microsoft or Adobe). 

Explore featured topics

Explore timely, featured training titles. 

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Visit IU Expand

Browse our training catalog on IU Expand, Indiana University's portal to professional education. 

NOTE: All course enrollments are through IU Expand. Each title description in this catalog has a direct link to the associated online course at IU Expand. 

How to enroll

To enroll in a course,

  1. Identify the title that interests you in our training catalog on our page or at IU Expand (all courses are listed in both catalogs). 
  2. Once you find a title, if you're not at IU Expand already, click the View Course in Expand button.
  3. At IU Expand, follow the instructions to login or sign-up and enroll. 

That's it! You're ready to learn at your own pace, wherever you would like. All of your enrolled courses and course progress can always be found at IU Expand.

A note for the general public:

You will need to have an IU Guest Account to enroll in a course. IU Guest Accounts are free and will allow you to take advantage of several IU services available to the general public. You can register for a guest account as part of the IU Expand enrollment process or you can create a guest account prior to enrolling. More information can be found in this IU Knowledge Base article.