OpenInfra Days NA at IU


OpenInfra Days NA at IU Registration

Register early to save some bucks. Breakfast, lunch, and breaks (sustenance) provided. An evening reception/dinner will also be provided.

  • Early-bird = $85.00 USD
  • Regular = $100.00 USD
  • Late = $120.00 USD
  • Online/hybrid = $25.00
  • To encourage a diverse population

    • The OpenInfra Foundation is sponsoring 10 Diversity Tickets which will provide free tickets to attendees from traditionally underrepresented groups in the technology and/or open source communities. Including, but not limited to: persons identifying as LGBTQIA+, persons of color, and/or persons with disabilities.

    • Indiana University is providing the resources to participate online.
      Diversity Ticket Application

Register for OpenInfra Days NA at IU


OpenInfra Days NA at IU Sponsors

OpenInfra Days sponsorships are available at various levels with a wide range of
benefits. Sponsorship funds may be used to enhance the attendee
experience, including—but not limited to giveaways, hospitality, beer and wine,
flowers, and anything in the event budget. Excess funding dollars
that are not used for the 2024 OpenInfra Days at IU experience will be used by Indiana University to sponsor a future OpenInfra Days event.

Sponsorship funding curbs high registration fees. This is stressed to participants
before and during the event. Organizers also stress that sponsors are
potential collaborators who enable participants to do their research.

Three Two sponsorship levels are available and mulitiple opportunities, like reception, coffee hours, meals, and diversity registrations.

See the full prospectus

Platinum sponsors:




Reception sponsors:



Gold sponsor:
Diversity sponsor:
Coffee sponsor:
Host sponsors:




OpenInfra Days NA at IU Call for Proposals

The OpenInfra community is invited to submit proposals to help us determine the final program. Presentations, demonstrations, and workshops will enrich the program.

Proposed topics for the CFP include (but are not limited to):

  • Open Infrastructure and digital sovereignty
  • OpenStack and AI
  • OpenStack at the Edge
  • Security in Open Infrastructure
  • OpenStack and Kubernetes
  • OpenStack cloud architectures in production
  • Migrating to OpenStack
  • User stories about operating and using OpenStack
  • OpenStack Projects Updates (new features, development topics, for example about Nova)
  • Other Open Infrastructure related topics such as Kata Containers, StarlingX, and Zuul

Presentations will be chosen based on topics of interest as identified by the program committee as well as space in the program. 

Presenters will be notified by August 26 22 of acceptance. Final slides will be due by October 11 for final review and posting to the conference website (as well as formatting for the projector in the presentation rooms).

All presentations will be posted in PDF format on October 14 and recorded for posting after OpenInfra Days NA at IU via YouTube.

A short description is all that is required by the due date.

You will also request a length of time for your session on the survey.

The proposal submission site closes August 16 12, 2024. (EXTENDED!)

Submit a proposal


OpenInfra Days NA at IU Program!


  • IU Keynote Welcome: Beth Plale, Indiana University Pervasive Technology Institute
  • OpenInfra Keynote Welcome: Jimmy McArthur, OpenInfra Foundation
  • One Giant Leap: Jonathan Mills, NASA Goddard
  • Harnessing Open Source for Smooth Cloud Migration: The Integration of
  • Atmosphere & MigrateKit - VEXXHOST Sponsor Keynote: Mohammed Naser, VEXXHOST
  • Rackspace Sponsor Keynote:
  • CI/CD for HPC on OpenStack: John-Paul Robinson, University of Alabama at Birmingham
  • Which Vault? Don't tell me your secret(s)!: Michel Schildmeijer, SSC-ICT
  • OpenStack Plus: The perfect recipe for enterprise-grade deployment: Ajith Narayanan, Pinakastra Computing Private Limited
  • Open-Source Migration with Migratekit: Transitioning from VMware to OpenStack: Mohammed Naser, VEXXHOST
  • Students in Open Source: The OpenInfra University Partnership Program: Kendall Nelson
  • Rapid baremetal provisioning with Ironic: James Denton, Rackspace Technology
  • Transparent Vulnerability Management: Jeremy Stanley, OpenInfra Foundation
  • The HPC+AI Cloud: flexible and performant infrastructure for HPC and AI workloads: Stig Telfer, StackHPC Ltd
  • VMWare Panel: Mohammed Naser, VEXXHOST; DJ DONGJOON MIN, ZCONVERTER INC.; Kevin Jackson, Trilio; Maciej Lecki, Red Hat; Jimmy McArthur
  • The development and deployment of a persistent BinderHub instance on Jetstream2: Kevin Tyle, University at Albany State University of New York
  • An example of digital sovereignty from Europe: Robert Holling, OpenInfra user group Lower Saxony
  • Back to the fundamentals: Are you "actually" monitoring your Cloud?: Mohamed Elsakhawy, Western University
  • Planning for the Next Generation of OpenStack in a research environment: Seven years of lessons learned providing infrastructure as a service to researchers: Graham Allan; Edward Munsell, Minnesota Supercomputing Institute, University of Minnesota
  • Keynote presentation: Kate Keahey, Argonne National Laboratory
  • Building a Zuul instance on Kubernetes with zuul-operator: Jan Gutter; Shatadru Bandyopadhyay, Workday
  • How highly available CephFS NFS unlocks a great promise with OpenStack Manila: Goutham Pacha Ravi; Carlos Eduardo da Silva, Red Hat
  • Building and scaling the Cloud Native Continuum: John Forman, Accenture Federal Services
  • Seamless Migration: Transitioning VMs from VMware to OpenStack with Open Source Tools: Maciej Lecki, Red Hat
  • Service Mesh for the Mere Mortal: Bruce Basil Mathews, Mirantis
  • Building a Future-Proof Cloud Strategy with VEXXHOST Atmosphere: Ankit Sachdeva, VEXXHOST
  • Kubernetes Upgrade Operator + Cluster API: Managing upgrade version of multiple Kubernetes Clusters: Pham Chien; Nguyen Dinh Hoang, Viettel Group
  • VM High Availability with Masakari: Zain Marvi; Vijay Kovvuri, Rackspace Technology
  • No more waiting: How software-defined storage eliminates application timeouts for OpenStack: Sagy Volkov, Lightbits Labs
  • Modern application debugging: An introduction to OpenTelemetry: Joshua Lee, Altinity
  • Network Observability: Optimized anomaly detection and capacity planning with AI/ML: Jamie Parker; Gurpreet Singh, Red Hat
  • How the Mexican Government is a promoter of Open-Source technology?: Federico González Waite, Mexico’s National Research and Innovation Center for ICT (INFOTEC)
  • From Data Centers to Green Clouds: The impact of AI and OpenStack on sustainability: Rupal Shirpurkar; Prashant Mishra, Click2Cloud Inc.


  • Cluster API: Manage Kubernetes on OpenStack AND maintain your sanity!: Julian Pistorius, Indiana University; Stephen Bird, University of Notre Dame
  • From zero to code: A hands-on guide to making your first OpenStack code contribution: Goutham Pacha Ravi; Carlos Eduardo da Silva, Red Hat
  • OpenStack made easy: Learn how project Sunbeam effectively lowers entry barriers: Tytus Kurek, Canonical


  • Finding a forward direction on OpenInfra project security: Julia Kreger
    Bridging the gap between community and contributing organizations: Jeremy Stanley
  • Diversity and Inclusion Working Group interactivity: Amy Marrich; Jeremy Stanley
  • Ironic Project Status/Direction: Julia Kreger
  • OpenInfra Leadership
  • Scientific SiG
  • Midwest Research Computing and Data consortium Scientific Cloud Affinity Group
  • Kolla User Forum: Michal Nasiadka


Navigating the Agenda

Sched meeting planner software is being used for the agenda. After you register for OpenInfra Days at IU you will receive an invitation to create a Sched account if you don’t already have one (it may take a few days for us to send you the invite after you register).

The Sched platform allows attendees to create a profile to connect with other participants. We encourage everyone to create a Sched profile and upload your photo and biographical information. It is a great way to learn about all the attendees and network with each other.

If you see the alert YOUR PROFILE & SCHEDULE ARE HIDDEN FROM ATTENDEES when you click on your own profile and you would like to make your profile public, follow these steps:

  • Go here
  • Login to Sched in the upper right corner
  • Click on your image or initials in upper right corner
  • Choose SETTINGS
  • Under Privacy & Email, turn the switch for MAKE MY PROFILE & SCHEDULE PUBLIC to green.
  • You can update other information in your schedule (like a photo and institutional affiliation)
  • IMPORTANT: Scroll all the way to bottom and choose SAVE SETTINGS

The Sched account is free. Use it to view sessions, contact other attendees, and access the repository of archived talks after OpenInfra Days at IU.

Pro-tip! In Sched, click on SCHEDULE (next to SPEAKERS, COMMITTEE, etc) and then choose EXPANDED view to see the abstracts of each talk and the speaker’s name.

Go to the agenda 



OpenInfra Days NA at IU Travel Information

Participants flying in for OpenInfra Days at IU should use Indianapolis International Airport (IND).

Indiana University has procured two room blocks for lodging and will post details as soon as they are available.

If you're driving to the IU Indianapolis Campus Center, the Vermont St. Parking Garage is open to the public and attached to the Campus Center. Take a parking ticket when you enter the garage and pay when you exit. Hourly rates apply.

Please note that IU EM Permits (Employee Surface Lot Permits) are only valid in any EM, ST, and NC surface space and is not valid in the Vermont Street Parking Garage. For more information regarding parking permit validity, please visit 

  • 1004 W Vermont St, Indianapolis, IN 46202 .
  • Valid IU Indianapolis (and all IU campuses) parking permits are allowed in the parking garage.
  • Automated Pay Stations are located in the garages. Cash, credit card, and IU Indianapolis issued validations can be used for payment.
  • For any issues or questions, call 317-274-4232 . 

Once you're parked in the garage:

  • Follow the posted signs to Elevator D / Campus Center.
  • Take elevator or stairs to level 3.
  • Go through this door:


  • You are now on the 2nd floor of the IU Indianapolis Campus Center.
  • Follow the corridor around to the escalators / elevators and proceed to the OpenInfra Days at IU welcome table on the 4th floor.