REDCap videos

IU's Research Electronic Data Capture (IU REDCap)is a self-managed, secure, web-based platform designed to support data collection and data management for research, operations support, and quality improvement projects. REDCap's easy-to-use, intuitive features allow users to rapidly build and manage secure online surveys and databases.

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Archive of Indiana University workshops

~Two hour-long workshops and ~hour-long seminars hosted by Biomedical and Health Research Services (BHRS, formerly ABITC), a group in UITS Research Technologies (RT).  RT is a division of University Information Technologies Services and a center in the Pervasive Technology Institute at Indiana University. Videos including the following topics:

IU REDCap Day 2024

Archive of presentations presented during IU REDCap Day 2023.

Go to the IU REDCap Day website

Go to the IU REDCap Day 2024 schedule/agenda

IU REDCap Day 2023

Archive of presentations presented during IU REDCap Day 2023.

Go to the IU REDCap Day website

Go to the IU REDCap Day 2023 schedule/agenda

University of Colorado Denver (UCD) Training Videos

25 videos including the following topics:

  • Training Videos
  • Advanced Features

Check here to view videos (via YouTube)

Training Videos (UCD)

  1. Learn how to log in to your REDCap account and create a new project:
    Login and Project Creation
  2. Explore the project home, project setup, other functionality, and project revision pages. Learn how to customize the settings for your projects, set user rights, use data access groups, and move your project to Production:
    Project Setup Page
  3. Learn how to add new records, edit existing records, use advanced data entry features, and navigate between records:
    Data Entry
  4. Learn about the basic steps in designing your project. Learn how to set up forms; create a new field; validate fields; code multiple choice questions; use yes/no and true/false fields; create slider fields; and how to use file upload fields, descriptivefields, and section headers:
    Online Designer
  5. Learn how to use advanced features in the Online Designer, such as branching logic, calculated fields, matrices, piping, and the data dictionary. Review some best practices in form creation:
    Online Designer--Advanced Features
  6. Learn how to create a report, review basic statistics and charts, and export a report or full data set:
    Reports and Exports
  7. Learn how to enable surveys, the benefits of using surveys, setting up your survey, and the different ways you can distribute both initial and follow up surveys:
  8. Learn about the longitudinal data collection set up and how it varies from a standard, or classic, data collection instrument. Learn how to define events and assign forms to specific events, use the scheduling module, and advanced calendar features available only in longitudinal studies:
    Longitudinal Database
  9. Learn how to use some advanced REDCap features, including the randomization feature, the logging feature, the field comment log, the data import tool, and the data quality tool:
    Advanced Features

Advanced Features (UCD)

  1. Learn how to use the most popular and powerful action tags:
    Action Tags
  2. Learn how to use the alerts and notifications feature:
    Alerts and Notifications
  3. A detailed look at use the import tool to import data from another source:
    Data Imports
  4. Learn how to use REDCap's Double Date Entry module:
    Double Data Entry
  5. Learn how to use simple calculations, if/then statements, nest calculations, and datediff calculations:
  6. Explore how to use the field embedding feature to format data entry and survey forms:
    Field Embedding
  7. Set specific missing data codes for your entire project:
    Missing Data
  8. A participant-friendly REDCap app:
  9. Use REDCap's e-Consent framework to consent participants and save PDFs of the consent:
    PDF Auto-Archiver and e-Consent
  10. Learn how to use the randomization feature:
  11. Learn how to use repeating forms and events:
    Repeating Forms
  12. Learn how to use smart variables in REDCap:
    Smart Variables
  13. Learn how to use the survey login feature:
    Survey Login
  14. A deep dive into using the survey queue:
    Survey Queue
  15. Learn how to use Twilio to send your survey invitations via text message or allow participants to take the survey via voice call:

Training from the Vanderbilt Library (VL)

23 short videos including the following topics:

  • Just getting started
  • Building a project
  • Basic features & modules
  • Types of REDCap projects
  • Special features within REDCap projects

Just getting started? (VL)

Explore these overviews of fundamental concepts and features.

Brief Overview
A quick summary of what REDCap is and what it can do.

Watch the 4-minute video

Detailed Overview
An overview of basic functions and features within a REDCap project. A starting point for learning about the basic concepts of REDCap, what REDCap projects are, how to create them, and how to use them.

Watch the 14-minute REDCap detailed overview video

Data Entry Overview
A focused exploration of basic data entry workflow. Suitable for training data entry staff.

Watch the 19-minute data entry overview video

Building a Project (VL)

Learn how to build and modify data collection instruments.

Introduction to Instrument Development
An introduction to the Online Designer and Data Dictionary methods of instrument development.

Watch the 6-minute video

Online Designer
This online tool is the quickest and most intuitive method for making instrument modifications.

Watch the 5-minute video

Data Dictionary
Your project structure in a downloadable spreadsheet file. The spreadsheet can be modified and uploaded into REDCap to make instrument modifications. To see an example, download the Data Dictionary demonstration file.

Watch the 10-minute video

Project Field Types
An illustration of some popular field types.

Watch the 4-minute video

Basic Features & Modules (VL)

Applications Overview
A brief exploration of the most popular built-in tools.

Watch the 5-minute video

Project Dashboards
Pages with dynamic content that can be added to a project. They can utilize special Smart Variables that perform aggregate mathematical functions, display tables of descriptive statistics, and render various types of charts, respectively. A Wizard is provided on the Project Dashboard creation page to help users easily construct the syntax for Smart Functions, Smart Tables, or Smart Charts.

Watch the 23-minute video

Smart Charts, Functions, and Tables
Easily construct the syntax for Smart Functions, Smart Tables, or Smart Charts.

Watch the 14-minute video

The Calendar
This tool organizes your study by tracking upcoming milestones and events.

Watch the 7-minute video

Scheduling Module
This is an optional feature in longitudinal projects. The tool generates record-specific schedules based on a series of events or timepoints. Used with the calendar module, this tool greatly streamlines longitudinal data entry.

Watch the 7-minute video

Data Access Groups for multi-site projects
Assigns users to groups. Any user in a Data Access Group may only access their group's records. Each group is blinded to all other data/records. Users not in a group can access all data across all groups. This feature is especially useful for multi-site projects because each data collection site must usually be restricted from viewing other sites' records.

Watch the 7-minute video

Types of REDCap Projects (VL)

There are several flavors of REDCap projects to choose from as you begin thinking about building your own project. Each type of project has its advantages and disadvantages, and may fit the specific needs better of one type of project over another. Please review the different types below, and you may even view a live example of each project type in action or view a short video about it.

Types of Projects
This video describes two major decisions that must be made when building a REDCap project. It also briefly illustrates how these decisions affect which type of project is used.

Watch the 3-minute video

Traditional Project (classic model with data entry forms)
The traditional project is used for basic data collection. All data is entered directly in REDCap by users who log in. Multiple data collection instruments are often defined. This project type is suitable for most data collection needs. It can capture longitudinal data, including adverse event reporting or other collection that does not have a pre-defined schedule or end-point.

Watch the 3-minute video

Single Survey Project
The Survey module allows a REDCap instrument to be completed by survey respondents who do not log in. Data can also still be entered by REDCap users (who do log in). This video explores all the major features of the survey module, including survey distribution. A single survey project has only one data collection instrument, which is used as a survey.

Watch the 5-minute video

Longitudinal Project (multi-use data entry forms, abstract time-points)
The Longitudinal module allows any data collection instrument(s) to be completed multiple times for each record. The same data may be captured repeatedly. The module uses an event grid to define clear timepoints used for data collection. The longitudinal module is best suited to very structured studies which do NOT last indefinitely. Clinical trials frequently use this project type.

Watch the 3-minute video

Longitudinal Project + Scheduling (multi-use data entry forms, defined time points)
This project type uses two modules. The Longitudinal module allows any data collection instrument(s) to be completed multiple times for each record. The Scheduling module adds record-specific schedules onto a study calendar, using the longitudinal event grid. Schedules can be generated and modified. The longitudinal module is best suited to very structured studies which do NOT last indefinitely. So this project type is useful for large, multi-site clinical trials needing a quick and easy way to schedule patient visits.

Watch the 3-minute video

Operations (use case for non-study/non-trial)
REDCap can be used for almost any type of data collection. The most common uses are clinical research and trials. However, REDCap is also suitable for administrative and educational data, workflow tracking, quality improvement, biobanking, registries, and non-human research. This example explores a traditional project type being used to capture and track operational bookkeeping information.

Watch the 2-minute video

Special Features within REDCap Projects (VL)

Every REDCap project is capable of utilizing special features, some of which can be enabled by normal users and some by REDCap administrators. Below is a listing of these features.

Defining Events in Longitudinal Projects
Defining events is a requirement of the Longitudinal module. That module allows any data collection instrument(s) to be completed multiple times for each record. The module uses an event grid to define the timepoints used for data collection. This video illustrates how to define the timepoints (also called events).

Designating Instruments for Events in Longitudinal Projects
Designating instruments is an optional step of the Longitudinal module. That module allows any data collection instrument(s) to be completed multiple times for each record. The module uses an event grid to define the timepoints used for data collection. This video illustrates how to designate which instruments are completed at each timepoint.

Repeatable instruments and events
In-depth overview of how to set up and utilize the Repeating Instruments and Repeating Events functionality in both classic and longitudinal projects.

REDCap Mobile App
An app that can be downloaded onto a tablet or mobile device to allow REDCap data to be collected locally on that device without the need for an internet connection (either wifi or cellular signal). If a user downloads the app, they must explicitly be given mobile app privileges in a given REDCap project in order to set up the project on the app. Once a project has been set up on the app, data can be collected in an offline fashion and then later synced back to the REDCap server.

Locking Record
The locking feature freezes data. Users can still view existing data, but they cannot modify it unless they have the needed User Rights permissions. This video illustrates the basics of how instruments are locked. Refer to the built-in help resources and locking applications for more detailed instructions about locking management.

Data Resolution Workflow
This advanced tool enables a powerful data query management system.

The Supercomputing for Everyone Series (SC4ES) aims to bring more users into the realm of advanced computing, whether it be visualization, computation, analytics, storage, or any related discipline. Research Technologies can take you to the next level of computing.

Supercomputing for Everyone Series workshops and seminars are led by personnel from Research Technologies, a division of University Information Technology Services and a center in the Pervasive Technology Institute at Indiana University.