Relationships are the fundamental building blocks of complex databases and are critical to designing and working with sophisticated databases. This training is intended for those who are familiar with the basic features of Access but are interested in learning how to define relationships in relational databases and how to create relational queries and forms. Materials also discuss creating lookup fields, and use challenge exercises to help reinforce concepts.
Learning Objectives
- Explore various types of relationships and create relationships between tables
- Understand how referential integrity rules work
- Build relational queries exploring different join types
- Create lookup fields
- Create a relational form
- Import columns of data from an Excel workbook into an Access table
- Explore the options for cascade update related fields and cascade delete related records
Prerequisite Skills
- Understand the basic features of Access
- Create simple tables
- Enter and edit data in tables
- Create simple queries
For a more in-depth look at the content of Access: Structuring and Relating Data, view the title contents below.
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View course in ExpandImportant note for participants not affiliated with IU
- This course contains training material only.
- Participants who are not affiliated with Indiana University will need your own access to installed and licensed software, according to the training topic. This will allow you to follow along and participate in the hands-on exercises.
- If you do not have access to the needed software, you can still enroll in the online course and read the course content.
More information about this course
This online course is free to everyone and available for enrollment through IU Expand.
This course consists of a series of short lessons, examples, demonstrations, practice quizzes, and hands-on exercises.
To complete the course content, you will need:
- a web browser and internet access to use the course material on IU Expand.
- a copy of the software relevant to the training installed on your computer.
Access: Stucturing and Relating Data Contents
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Explore the contents of Access: Stucturing and Relating Data:
Review the a database and refine some table properties.
See the full content for Getting Started with Structuring and Relating Data.
Learn more about database relationships and referential integrity.
Learn about data normalization.
Learn about business rules and how building a Junction table in Access can help make an efficient database.
Learn how to create a relational query in Access.
Explore join properties in tables including join types and ambiguous joins.
Learn about null values in tables.
Learn more about junction tables and creating a composite key.
Learn how to copy a table.
See the full content for Copying a Table to Build New Functionality.
Learn how to create a new table and modify indexes.
See the full content for Creating the SectionsInstructors table.
Learn how to double-check existing functionality, updating and deleting tables as needed.
See the full content for Double-Checking Existing Functionality.
Learn how to add a lookup field and lookup table using Lookup Wizard.
Learn how to create a relational form with Form Wizard and edit data.
See the full content for Entering Data with Relational Forms.
Create a number of tables to track students and enrollments in the database.
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