This page contains detailed instructions on how to sign up for self-paced IT Training courses on IU Expand for IU students, staff, and faculty.
Getting started with IU Expand for IU users
About this video
- Instructor: Beth Lynn Nolen
- Duration: 2 minutes 48 seconds
- Audience: IU Instructors, staff, and students
- Recorded: April 7, 2020
Description of the video:
In this video, I'll be walking you through the process of accessing IT Training's courses in Expand. As part of this, you'll learn how to log in to Expand, sign up for a course, and find the courses you're enrolled in. To log in to Expand, in your web browser, go to, and in the upper right corner of the page, click Login. On the page that loads, on the left side of the page, click the Log In button. The IU Login page will load - from here, log in with your IU username and passphrase. Once you're logged in to Expand, you'll be shown a list of the courses you're enrolled in, if any. There are two ways you can find and enroll in IT Training's courses on Expand. First, you find courses on IT Training's website at From here, click on Explore Topics, and browse the course catalog to find a course you're interested in. When you've found a course you want to enroll in, on the course's page, scroll until you see the Expand Course Available heading. Underneath the heading, click on the View Course in Expand button to load the course's page on Expand. You can also find our courses on Expand by going to the catalog selection drop-down menu near the top of each page in Expand. Click on the drop-down menu to open it, then click on IT Skills and Topics to load all of IT Training's courses. Click on any course to view its details and to register. Once you've chosen a course and loaded its page on Expand, to enroll in a course, to the right of the course graphic near the top of the page, click the Enroll button. In the page that loads, to finish enrolling in the course, click the Enroll in Course button. Expand will enroll you in the course. If you want to go to the course, click on the Go to Canvas Course button. The course will load, and you can now work through the course content whenever you like. To view the courses you're enrolled in, you'll first need to be on the Expand website. For today's purposes, I'm starting out on the Expand homepage at From here, in the upper right corner of the page, click on your name - a drop-down menu will appear. To view your courses, click on Student Dashboard. Expand will display a list of your in-progress courses. From here, to go to a specific course, click the Go To Course button for the specific course you want to work on.Overview and Logging in
For an overview of Expand and how to log into to Expand, see About IU Expand.
Sign-up for courses in Expand
Once you have a guest account, you can register for IT Training's courses. To get started, open IU Expand in your browser window, and log in with your IU Guest account. You can access IU Expand here.
- To view all of IT Training’s courses on Expand, click the drop-down menu at the top of the screen and select IT Skills and Topics. This will load IT Training’s courses.
- To see more details about a specific course, or to enroll in a course, click on the desired course. The course's details will load in your browser window.
- To enroll in a course, on the course’s page in Expand, click
- In the following screen, to confirm you want to enroll in the course, click
- To access the course you just enrolled in, on the enrollment confirmation page, click Go to your Dashboard. The course you just enrolled in should display along with any other IU Expand courses you’re enrolled in.
Additional resources for using IU Expand
For additional resources about using Expand, see Instructions for using IU Expand.
Get help with IU Expand
For help with technical issues involving the IU Expand service, contact the Support Center.