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IU REDCap Day Registration

Register early for this free event and help us decide what else to have on the program. Lunch and breaks (sustenance) provided by UITS Research Technologies. Both in-person and online registrants will have the ability to watch sessions via Zoom.

Register now.

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IU REDCap Day Call for Proposals

Your participation last year was so successful that we are inviting our REDCap community to submit proposals again. Your presentations, demonstrations, and panels will enrich the conference. Please submit your ideas by April 2 March 29 using the URL below. Topics we're exploring include:

  • Topics related to core functionality, e.g., surveys, repeating instruments, branching logic, calculated fields, data access groups, reporting, etc.
  • Your research and how REDCap solved your data capture and workflow needs
  • eConsent
  • Data management/quality
  • REDCap-ETL or other data-export functionality
  • REDCap API and related software, such as PHPCap
  • External modules and other advanced functionality, e.g., Date Calculated Fields, MyCap, Twilio, Mobile app, etc.

Presentations, demonstrations, and panels will be chosen based on topics of interest as identified by registered attendees as well as space in the program. 

Presentations, demonstrations, and panels will be notified by April 6 of acceptance. Final slides will be due by May 3 for final review and posting to the conference website (as well as formatting for the projector in the presentation rooms).

All presentations will be posted in PDF format on May 7 and recorded for posting after IU REDCap Day via YouTube.

A short survey and simple one-page abstract is all that is required by the due date:

  • PDF format (file extension .pdf)
  • 12 point Times New Roman font
  • No longer than one page
  • Must contain the title and last name of presenter at top
  • Use 16 point Times New Roman font for the title and presenter name at the top like this: Presenter | Title

You will be able to request a length of time for your session on the survey when you submit your proposal.

Submit an abstract via this REDCap survey by April 2

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IU REDCap Day Agenda

Sched meeting planner software is being used for the IU REDCap Day agenda. After you register for IU REDCap Day you will receive an invitation to create a Sched account if you don’t already have one (it may take a few days for us to send you the invite after you register).

The Sched platform allows attendees to create a profile to connect with other participants. We encourage everyone to create a Sched profile and upload your photo and biographical information. It is a great way to learn about all the attendees and network with each other.

If you see the alert YOUR PROFILE & SCHEDULE ARE HIDDEN FROM ATTENDEES when you click on your own profile and you would like to make your profile public, follow these steps:

  • Go here https://iuredcapday2024.sched.com/ 
  • Login to Sched in the upper right corner
  • Click on your image or initials in upper right corner
  • Choose SETTINGS
  • Under Privacy & Email, turn the switch for MAKE MY PROFILE & SCHEDULE PUBLIC to green.
  • You can update other information in your schedule (like a photo and institutional affiliation)
  • IMPORTANT: Scroll all the way to bottom and choose SAVE SETTINGS

The Sched account is free. Use it to view sessions, contact other attendees, and access the repository of archived talks after IU REDCap Day.

Note: In order to view the webcast on May 7, you must register to attend AND login to Sched. The online live webcasts and recorded videos will be available only through Sched.

Pro-tip! In Sched, click on SCHEDULE (next to SPEAKERS, COMMITTEE, etc) and then choose EXPANDED view to see the abstracts of each talk and the speaker’s name.

Accepted talks/sessions announced!

Utilization of Reports, Notifications, and Custom Dashboards to Assist with Team Efficiency: Learn how you can create reports to simplify finding records, custom dashboards for quick viewing, and utilization of notifications to assist with response timelines.

Introduction to REDCap: New to REDCap? This session is for you. Hear about how REDCap can assist you with your data collection needs. Bring all your questions!

Managing Test and Production Environments: REDCap is built around change management principles, but it can still be confusing how to maintain a separate test environment. This session looks at a few ideas and one real-life example.

Translating the Protocol into REDCap: This presentation will emphasize the need for creating a process for analyzing the protocol for the data management elements necessary for creating an effective REDCap database. It will also discuss strategies for effectively mapping out the protocol to translate its elements into a functional REDCap database.

Real-Time Data Synchronization: Assessing the Impact of REDCap CDIS (Clinical Data Interoperability Service): REDCap CDIS features, which allow data to be pulled from the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) using the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) API, will be presented. It allows seamless, efficient, and real-time data from Cerner.

Creative Uses of REDCap: In this session, you see examples of using standard REDCap functionality (no API-based code, external modules, SQL fields, etc.) to make REDCap do things you might not expect were possible.

Make Better Reports with @CALCTEXT and Filter Logic: Looking to improve your reports? This presentation will provide tools for making effective reports. The design of a patient tracking log will be used as an example of how complex information can be synthesized into a simple report.

Leveraging REDCap to maintain standardization and quality assurance of data across a statewide quality improvement initiative: Evolution of a REDCap clinical database, utilized for quality improvement in a statewide primary care learning collaborative across health systems, will be reviewed. Quality assurance methods and successes and challenges in standardization across a statewide QI project will be described.

Using REDCap for Field Work: This presentation will cover how the Center for Survey Research utilized REDCap as a case management system to administer a large-scale phone survey.

REDCap’s eConsent Framework: Curious about eConsent in REDCap and how you might use REDCap to administer electronic Informed Consents? Look no further than this session for a solid introduction.

Utilizing Copy Data on Save External Module: The presentation will include why the Copy Data on Save external module is useful when a project involves multiple databases, and a brief demonstration on how it works.

What's New and What's Next: REDCap is always evolving to address data collection needs. This session delves into some recent interesting new features and looks at what’s coming down the pike. Exciting things are happening with REDCap!

Go to the conference agenda 



IU REDCap Day Travel Information

Participants flying in for IU REDCap day should use Indianapolis International Airport (IND).

If you requested a parking pass/permit, one will be available to you at the IU REDCap Day Welcome table in the IU Indianapolis Campus Center on the 4th floor. Take a parking ticket when you enter the garage and use the permit when you exit. It will be a valid IU Indianapolis parking pass/permit.

Attendees are encouraged to park in the Vermont Street Parking Garage and to pick up a complimentary parking validation at the registration table prior to leaving IU REDCap Day. Please note that EM Permits (Employee Surface Lot Permits) are only valid in any EM, ST, and NC surface space and is not valid in the Vermont Street Parking Garage. For more information regarding parking permit validity, please visit https://parking.indianapolis.iu.edu/parking/permits/index.html 

  • 1004 W Vermont St, Indianapolis, IN 46202 .
  • Valid IU Indianapolis (and all IU campuses) parking permits are allowed in the parking garage.
  • Automated Pay Stations are located in the garages. Cash, credit card, and IU Indianapolis issued validations can be used for payment.
  • For any issues or questions, call 317-274-4232 . 

Once you're parked in the garage:

  • Follow the posted signs to Elevator D / Campus Center.
  • Take elevator or stairs to level 3.
  • Go through this door:


  • You are now on the 2nd floor of the IU Indianapolis Campus Center.
  • Follow the corridor around to the escalators / elevators and proceed to the IU REDCap Day Welcome table on the 4th floor.

Online attendees and in-person attendees who wish to view presentations online:

Once the agenda is published in SCHED, go to the agenda and click on the session you would like to view. Click on any Zoom link to view the session (you must be registered AND be logged into SCHED to view the online webcasts).

The zoom links will look like this:
