Storage Options and Data Management


The Storage Options and Data Management Best Practices workshop aims to assist attendees in understanding and evaluating the various options for digital storage available through UITS Research Technologies, including Slate, Geode, and the Scholarly Data Archive (SDA).  All digital storage options are not made equal, and all have various benefits and tradeoffs.  With this in mind, this workshop seeks to empower users to confidently make educated decisions about which types of storage work best for their particular needs and use cases.

Topics covered will include comparative analyses of various types of storage media (flash memory vs. spinning disk vs. magnetic tape), breakdowns of various use cases and which types of storage work best for a particular use case, comparative analyses of various technologies and methods for accessing IU digital storage resources, migrating data from cloud providers to on-premises IU digital storage (and vice-versa), best practices for storing and managing data, and the distinction between backing up and archiving.


By the end of this workshop, attendees will be:

  • Familiar with the various options for digital storage provided by UITS Research Technologies.
  • Able to decipher the differences between these options.
  • Able to choose which storage options best suit their particular needs.
  • Familiar with the various technologies and methods used for accessing UITS RT storage options, again with an eye towards which technologies and methods best suit their needs.
  • Familiar with current best practices for storing and managing data, particularly with regards to resiliency and longevity.


  • Attendees will need an account on one of IU's research supercomputers (Big Red 200, Big Red 3, Carbonate, or Quartz are all acceptable, and attendees can sign up for more than one, if eligible). Create Additional Accounts website:
  • Accounts for Slate and the Scholarly Data Archive (SDA) are also recommended, as those services will also be covered in this workshop.
  • Familiarity with the eligibility requirements for IU supercomputing accounts as well as for the SDA.  For more information on eligibility, see the following IU KB article:
  • If you believe you are eligible for an account and the option to open an account is not available to you, contact


  • Introductions and housekeeping
  • Overview of UITS Research Technologies storage options
  • ACTIVITY – Signing up for storage accounts
  • Overview of technologies for accessing IU digital storage
  • ACTIVITY – Accessing IU digital storage
  • Best practices and topics in digital storage
  • Wrapping up, Q&A

Register for the January 2023 workshop.

Storage and Data January 12, 2023

The Supercomputing for Everyone Series (SC4ES) aims to bring more users into the realm of advanced computing, whether it be visualization, computation, analytics, storage, or any related discipline. Research Technologies can take you to the next level of computing.

Supercomputing for Everyone Series workshops and seminars are led by personnel from Research Technologies, a division of University Information Technology Services and a center in the Pervasive Technology Institute at Indiana University.