Getting started with Microsoft PowerPoint

Slides and Layouts? Transitions & Animations? How do I make a great presentation? Watch this recorded webinar and jump into Microsoft PowerPoint presentations!

Getting started with Microsoft PowerPoint

Recorded 04-15-2020

Description of the video:

[Jen] I'm going to go ahead and introduce some basic presentation skills, such as creating new presentations, we'll add additional slides with different layouts. We'll also take a look at transitions and animations. The materials will be presented in Microsoft PowerPoint 2016. And we will be going through also with and how to enroll in our self-paced online courses. And if you need to, how to create a IU guest account. We will be making the exercise files that I used today available to you a bit later. Before I go too much further, I should get this window bigger so I can actually do things. Start my video because I just realized I forgot to do that. First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Jennifer and I will be presenting today. And with me today are some other colleagues from IT Training. So we've got Rachel, April, and Jason, and they will be helping to monitor chat and just monitor things to make sure like my audio doesn't cut out or something like that and I'm not aware. So if you have questions, you can go ahead and type those in chat and let them know and let me know. If you aren't used to zoom, you should be able to move your mouse just a little bit, if it had been sitting still for a bit, and you should see down at the bottom some tools for different things. One of those is chat. You can just go ahead and click on that and that will open up chat so that you can go ahead and ask questions if you have those as we go along. This is not what I meant to be showing right now, but that's okay. Oh, I'm not sharing my screen. So we're going to go ahead and get started. One other thing. I will be doing this in demonstration mode today, so you're not expected to follow along. I'm maybe going a little bit quickly for you to try to follow along, but we will be giving you the exercise files. This is being recorded and we will make those exercise files and recording available to you after the session. So I'm going to go ahead and share my screen. And the first thing I'm going to do is open up PowerPoint. I actually had PowerPoint open earlier and you might have realized that, but I closed it because if I didn't, I wouldn't have seen the screen when I first opened up PowerPoint, you don't get the screen and you're not seeing that quite yet, now you are. You won't see this screen until you restart PowerPoint. There's ways to get to all the options, it just doesn't look quite like this screen. So what we're going to do today is we're going to create a new presentation. On this screen, I could actually open a new — a presentation I've already been working on, or I can create a new one. These are the different templates, or I should say, themes that Microsoft makes available to us. They did spend quite a bit of time making these look nice. You can really pick any one you want today. If you want to just kinda play around right now. I'm gonna go ahead and pick Quotable just because I've been playing with that one earlier. And I'm gonna have to click twice because my screen was actually active into Zoom, not Powerpoint. So this is our kind of introduction is we're logging in or starting to create a slide. It gives us a preview of basically how things are going to look. So I can see there's a title layout, a subtitle. One thing that's not as noticeable is down in the lower part of this window, there's this little more images. And that will allow me, if I go there, to actually click on the arrows and see additional previews of the screens. So if I click More, or on the arrow, I should say, I can see this is a title with some content, in this case a chart. I go a little bit further. Here's one with a bulleted list. And I believe this is a Smarter object. And I can just keep kinda going through this. There's only four examples, but it is to give you a better idea of what the content will look like as you start to create this. We also have four variants of this particular theme. I'm gonna go ahead and pick this purple one. And you could go through this again and see that there are some differences in how this looks in the colors and stuff. I'm going to go ahead and click Create, and I will get my first slide here in PowerPoint. What I see here are place holders, and they are waiting for me to actually put some content into them. I find PowerPoint is really pretty easy to understand at first. There's more advanced things that are maybe a little bit more difficult to deal with. But I'm going to, I'm just adding text here. It literally tells me click to add a title here, click to add a subtitle. So it's pretty easy to add content. I'm gonna go ahead and click and start to add some content to this. This is welcome. And I'm going to have this be my Writing for the Web that this is going to be for. So that's my subtitle, and I have added that content. When I want to go and add additional content, then I'm going to add additional slides. And we have this new slide option here on the Home tab. And it's kinda divided into two parts, which is a little bit hard to see. And this annotation doesn't help all that much, I don't think. But basically this upper half is one part and then this is another part of this button. When I actually clear these and put my mouse over it, you'll be able to see that there's a little bit a different highlighting that happens. So let me get my mouse back and make this the active window. If I go ahead and float over that, you see that it says New Slide, add a slide to your presentation, but there's also the lower half. If I click the top half, it's going to automatically create a slide with a particular layout. It's one that has a title up at the top and then content below that. If I click the bottom half, then you will see additional options I have for layouts that I can have for my particular slides. So I can have like two content or comparison. I have noticed that these actually vary a bit depending on which theme you've already chosen. So you might be in here going, oh, I want to choose the one I used for that other theme. And you might be, hey, wait, I don't see that particular option. It could be a little bit different because of the theme you've chosen. I'm going to go ahead and click title and content, which is what would have happened if I'd click the top part of the button as well. That gives me the title up here at the top and the content at the bottom. Most common thing to have in PowerPoint, which is why it's the default. So I can click here to add title, I can click here to start adding bullets. But notice I also have options for additional types of content I could be adding. I could add a table, a chart, SmartArt objects and so forth. I'm gonna go ahead and click to add a title here. And this is going to be my, what this course will cover. And I do want bullets, so I'm just going to click where it says click to add text. Scroll over here a little bit so I can see my notes. And I'm going to type determining, Oh, I can't type today. Oh, yeah, that's not going well at all, is it. Oh well, there we go. I'm not going to type too much because you don't want to watch me type. So this is my first two slides here. I do want to point out that if I got to this point and I decided, oh, you know, this theme really isn't working for me. I'm not stuck with the theme at this point. I'm pretty much never stuck with the theme. However, you do have to make adjustments the further you get into your presentation, generally, if you start to make big changes. So I'm going to come up here to the Design tab. And the Design tab is where I can see options for the themes that are being used. So I could come over here to the, this area here I'm circling with my mouse. If I wanted to change the variant, maybe I had wanted the pink instead of the purple, but I can also come here and choose themes. And one of the interesting things about the themes is when I point at these, you'll see that it actually does what they call Live Preview. And you might look at this one in particular, I'm pointing at this yellow one with the big bubble and be like, well, that's not what the, what you're looking at looks like. It looks very different than that. And that's because the preview here in this little option is showing for the many — the first slide, the title slide. So if I actually click on that one, you'll see that welcome with that big bubble in there is what that first slide looks like. But the second slide has a different variant of kind of what that looks like. It's one of the reasons they give you those examples on that, when you're first starting to apply these. And I could change my theme to one of these others. I'm gonna go ahead and use this one here. I think it's called Wisp. If I float over, it gets a little pop-up card, yeah, Wisp. So I like this one here. I'm going to go ahead and use that. I actually like this variant of it as well better than the other ones. This one's very bright, but I'm going to stick with this one. Odd flashing. Oh, okay. So Zoom's being a little weird with PowerPoint apparently. So this is Wisp. Now I can go ahead and then continue adding additional slides. I can either add slides from the Insert menu, which I can see right here, that's that New Slide option. Or from the home, I like home because it also gives me the different options for layout, if I decide I want to change the layout after I've applied it. But you could do it from either place. It will work the same. I'm just going to go ahead and add another slide. I do want to choose what layout I'm using this time, so I'm gonna click the bottom part of the button. And the one I had suggested I use to myself is this picture with caption. And this is going to add a picture basically in this big place holder area here. And then below that, I have two other place holder areas for a title and for some additional text. If I click this icon in the middle of this Click icon to add picture, It's going to try to add a picture from my computer, which may not be ideal. I may not have a picture that I want to use. If I do, I could go ahead and find that. But if I don't, another option is to use these online pictures, I want to make sure when I do this that this place holder area is selected. If I don't, the picture will basically come in whatever size it really is, rather than trying to fit the place holder. So I want it to fit the placeholder. I'm gonna go ahead and select that first. Come over here to online pictures, and we have two options. We can either go to our OneDrive in this case, which is again, personal images that I might have. Or I can use this Bing image search. I'm gonna go ahead and click in there. And I'm going to type for — or search for writing and press enter to accept that. This is pictures that Bing has come up with showing me that are about writing and I can go ahead and insert these. You do want to be a bit careful when you're picking an image. We're using Creative Commons only, which means these should have ones that allow for licensing that can be used in additional projects. But you might want to check out the licensing, the specific licensing. And if you notice down here at the bottom, it tells you that you are responsible for respecting others rights, including copyright. And you can click this link to learn more. I was a little disappointed when I was coming in here that you can't point at these images and just go to this more information and actions and actually see what the specific Creative Commons license is. If I click on this, and that's going to actually open on my other window. when I do this little bit here. It does tell me the size of the image, which is nice. And it gives me a link to where the image actually came from. It also gives me the ability to report an image. Maybe this is my image and I'm like this shouldn't be allowed in here. But when I click on this and it's opening and my other window, my other monitor, you can see that basically all I'm seeing here is the picture. I might be able to back up through here and find some more information about it. But It's not giving me a whole lot. I do like — notice that it says here, which gives me the idea that this is really a place where they're putting up public domain pictures. But I might want to look into this little bit more if I was going to be using this for something other than just a quick presentation that I'm not even going to keep around after this. I'm going to go ahead and move that out of the way. I actually like this one right here, the one that looks like Scrabble. I'm gonna go ahead and click on that. That is Scrabble, isn't it? I'm going to go ahead and select that and click Insert. It goes ahead and inserts the image and you can see it is fitting that placeholder image. I will tell you the very first image I tried for this was very blurry and I was like, ooh, I don't like that. So I ended up trying a couple of different images before I settled on one I kinda liked, actually. Now I might look at this and go, you know, this is a great image, but I really want to be able to add more information than this little text box looks like it's going to allow. So I'm gonna go back to my Home tab and I'm going to go here to the layout options. Now the layout options, when I go here, this isn't going to insert a new slide, it's going to modify the slide I already have. So I'm gonna go ahead and choose this Content with Caption. And this gives me the ability to have a title and add some additional text here. Originally thought this was a bulleted list, but it's not, but I'll show you how to fix that. So I could say determining your audience, maybe that's what this slide is going to be about. I can't spell today. In good news, Powerpoint, just like Word gives you the little squiggle to help you figure this out. Wow, I've misspelled it so bad that it doesn't want to fix it. So I could do that. And then I could click down here and start adding my additional text. I don't really have some, that I came up with earlier. It doesn't put that as a bulleted list automatically, but I could select it and come up here to my Home tab and apply bullets to that if I wanted to have bullets for that particular point. So that is basically how you can create some really basic slides, add some images. What we're going to talk about the, basically the second half of this is how to apply transitions and animations. I'm going to go ahead and save this because I've been working on this for a bit. I want to keep it around. I'm going to browse, choose to save it to my desktop. Welcome is the first text I typed in and PowerPoint's kinda guessing that that's what I might want to name it, I'm going to call it writing web and save it on my desktop. Go ahead and click Save. I'm not going to keep this presentation open. I'm actually going to switch to the other one that is the one that's available for you guys to download. This, again, I started from scratch and this is what I would have gotten if I close my first PowerPoint and was here at the screen. I can still create new things. I just have to come over here to the File tab or open files I already have. So I can come over here to File. If I wanted to create a brand new one, I could click New here. And I would have those same templates that we saw — or themes that we saw earlier. I'm going to instead click Open and I'm going to go ahead and browse. I happen to have that file that I'm making available to you guys later in this Getting Started with PowerPoint folder, I'm just gonna open that up. Select it, click Open. And you can see this is very similar in a lot of ways to the other presentation I have. We've got a title slide — something I didn't mention in the last session and I kinda meant to, is that down here, it says Click to add subtitle. You'll notice I didn't actually put anything in there. And good news, if you don't put anything into the placeholder, they basically are invisible when you actually do the show. So nobody will actually see that Click to add subtitle and think that this looks unfinished. I also have a couple of slides with some bullets on them. And what we're going to talk about is how we can view this show and make things look a little bit nicer. So if I'm going to Slide Show right now and say From Beginning I see my show and I can click and I go to the next slide, and I go to the next slide, and then I go to this black screen. And if I click one more time, I come back to my presentation. They added that black screen. I don't remember which version of Power, Powerpoint, but they added that a while ago so that when you get to the end of the show, you can be on that black screen and continue talking for awhile without having your sort of PowerPoint back behind you. Just kinda distracting people, possibly, which is nice, but there's not much kind of pizzazz to this. So we're gonna go ahead and talk about transitions and animations. And basically the difference between these is the first thing we want to discuss, transitions are how you go from one slide to the next slide. So how the next slide appears onto the screen. And I will say some of the transitions bend those rules a little bit, but that's basically what they are. So we have all these different ones available to us. If I click the dropdown list, there's even more. Some of these are very, very gaudy. I'm going to play with Glitter just to kind of show you some options for it. But this isn't one I would probably use, unless I, I don't know, maybe it was — it needed that sort of pizzazz. I don't know, but I have that option there and I picked Glitter — also, there's this Effect Options that I have available to me. So if I just draw a box around that so you see it a little bit better. So we have these effects options that are available. What options are available here are going to depend a bit about which theme you picked. Gonna clear my drawing. So if I click the dropdown here, I basically just have these options. I can have hexagons from the left, hexagons from the bottom. I also have options for diamonds. I'm going to do diamonds from the right. So you can see that there's some different options available for this particular transition. Now one thing I'd like to point out, if I want to see that transition again, I can come over here to the Preview button at the very beginning of the Transitions tab. And I can click that and it will show that preview again. Also, when I added the preview, there's now this play animations icon that appears on the slide. Notice it doesn't appear for slide two or three. I can go ahead and click that, and that will also cause the transition to play. It also cause any animations that are going on to play as well. But we don't have any animations applied to this yet. I will say there's a couple of these, these Dynamic Content ones, sort of blur the line between transitions and animation because generally the transition is how the slide comes up on the screen. But if I click Conveyor, you'll notice that there's like a fade-in of how the slide comes in, but also that Choosing the Right Pet flies in from the side. And that's really what I would call an animation, that text appearing that way I actually am going to go ahead and pick Cover. And when I pick Cover, I'm going to come here to Effect Options. And you can see that I have some different options for how it comes in. I actually like it coming in from the right, so I'm just going to leave that alone. So that's this one. I'm going to go ahead and talk about animations next. So, the big — one of the big differences you'll notice between — oh, wait a minute — that transition is only applied to this very first slide. I knew that because I looked over here and only saw that Play Animation icon for this. Notice there's not one for this or this. There are a couple of ways of doing this. Once I have an animation or transition set up the way I want, I can go ahead and come over here and click this Apply to All, and that will apply to all the slides are available. I also could have selected them first and then started making my options. But one thing that you notice is the difference between transitions, animations. When I come over here to the slide and I go to animations, everything's grayed out. There's no options really available to me, very few. And that's because transitions or animations need to know where they should apply. So I could click on this Questions to ask and then I have animations available to me, or I can click on my text here for my bulleted list. And then I have animations available to me. I'm gonna go ahead and pick Fly In and you can see they fly in. I know that this was being a little weird and how the preview looked when we were using Zoom earlier this morning. So that maybe looking a little bit odd again today — or this afternoon. I also have the effects options for these. I'm going to come here, I want this to come in from the right. The slide comes in from the right, then these'll come in from the right. I like that. I will say that this is a little deceiving and how the preview plays. It looks like I have the questions to ask show up, and then I click and all of the bullets show up at the same time. But if I come here to Slide Show and preview my slide show, the animation happens, I click, the animation, or the transition, I should say, happens. And we get our questions to ask. I click my button on my mouse and I advance to my next bullet. And I could sit here and talk for a while and then I could advance to my next bullet. I could do that with my mouse or my keyboard. And I can kind of advance through this as I want. I could change that if I wanted to. If I come back in here and I select my bulleted list and go back to Animations, I can come here to Effect Options and there's differences in sequence. And I don't really have an example of where these two do something different, but there must be a case. But if I do that for this, all the bullets would come in at once. That's not what I want. If I said all at once, all the bullets would come in at once. And the last one is what we already had. So it's kind of a choice of how you want this to come in. And you can kinda play with it and preview your animation to see how things are — should go. In this case, there isn't an Apply to All. I would have to, if I want this bulleted list to use that same thing, come into this one, go ahead and click my Fly In. Change this to from the right. And I could have this, all these all come in this way as well. So that's basically our transitions and our animations. So the last five minutes or so here, we're going to go ahead and talk about how you can go ahead and sign up for our PowerPoint: The Basics course if you want to, or our other courses. Are there any questions before I move on from PowerPoint? We can ask questions again later if you come up with them later as well. Okay. I'm going to — I'm not going to save this presentation just for today's purposes. You can if you want to, but I'm going to go ahead and — do we have courses on making webpages? Yes, we do. I'm going to go ahead and show you some more information about our courses right now. So I will point those out as we go here. So let me switch over to this. So we hope you enjoyed this workshop and you can continue with learning more about PowerPoint using PowerPoint: The Basics if you want to. All of our online courses are available at no cost for everyone — that's staff, faculty, students, and members of the community. You can receive a certificate of completion when you complete a course. And if you complete an entire series, you can get a series certificate. So this is the main IT Training webpage here. And if you want to go ahead and register for courses, you can go ahead and explore topics. And you could explore topics on our page here, or you could go ahead and open these up in Expand. IU Expand is how we make courses enrollable by everybody so that IU in — what do I say? IU folks and also people outside of IU. But if I explore the topics here, I can scroll down a bit and you can see there's quite a few different categories here. But if I keep going down, I can see here's all the courses that we have available in IU Expand. So we have Access, Audition. Somebody was asking about — for creating things for the web. We have HTML: Creating Style for the Web. We have HTML5 and CSS: The Basics. We've got a lot of different courses here. We've got some Unix, XML. So you can see that all of these are ones that are available to you and you can go ahead and register for them. I'm gonna find PowerPoint. Probably scrolled past it and then right back up. I'm going to go ahead and click on PowerPoint: The Basics here. April has gone ahead and put that URL there in the chat so you can follow along as well if you want. So we're looking here at PowerPoint: The Basics. And if I want to go ahead and look at this course in Expand, I can say View Course in Expand. And this is where we can go to enroll. Now if you aren't signed in, you will get this Please login or sign up. If I click on that, this is about where things go different for IU folks and folks that are not part of the university. Basically, if I'm an IU person, I just go ahead and click Log In and I can login to Expand here using my normal credentials. If I'm not somebody that has a username or a guest account already, I need to go ahead and create a guest account. Guest accounts are free accounts for anybody to create, so you could just go in and create an account. There are some steps you have to go through to get that account, but it is completely free to get. And you just have to have that account before you can go ahead and register. If you need help with Expand, we're going to put another URL in the chat there. This is our page that talks about how to sign up for IU Expand courses for IU folks and for non IU folks as well. So you can see some more information here. And again, these links will be sent to you in a follow-up email as well. And then the last — well, not last, actually, one of the last things we have here is if you want to get that PowerPoint file that I used today during our session, you can go ahead and get that from here. So you can just come here, click download and it will go ahead and allow you to download that. Anybody can get that, it should be available to everybody. And then the last thing I'm going to go into here is if you do want to see more of these sort of webinars that we're doing, you can go ahead to this Getting Started with IT Training. And you can scroll down and you can see we already did excel this week, and this is our last of our PowerPoints for today. But tomorrow we do have a sorting and filtering with Excel. And if you keep scrolling down, you can see we have additional ones coming up as well. This page will be where the recording of our session goes as well. What exactly that's going to look like, we don't know. We haven't put the first one up yet, although we do have that, we now have that in our hands so we can start to get that available to everybody. But this is where we will be putting them. Yeah. So basically you'll have to come back to this page and there should be a link very shortly. We do have to do a little bit more to make those available for everybody. And once they're available, they will go here and we'll also be putting that in that follow-up email we send to you. Any additional questions? We will be here for a bit to help out if you have those, otherwise, thank you all for attending today and I appreciate you all being here.

Getting Started with PowerPoint

In this session, we will introduce basic presentation skills such as creating new presentations, adding additional slides with different layouts. We will also take a look at transitions and animations. The materials will be presented in Microsoft PowerPoint 2016.

IT Training staff will also show participants how to enroll in IT Training online courses and create an IU guest account

Webinar Outline

  1. Let’s create a new presentation in PowerPoint.
    1. Open PowerPoint.
    2. Select the Quotable theme.
      A new window appears showing a preview of the theme including variants of the theme you choose.
    3. To see sample slides of the current option by click the left and right arrows on either side of More Images.
    4. To change to a variant click on the one you like.
    5. Click Create.
      PowerPoint opens with a title slide created.
  2. Let’s add a Title
    1. Click the Click to add title placeholder.
    2. Type Welcome.
  3. Let’s add a subtitle.
    1. Click the Click to add subtitle placeholder.
    2. Type Writing for the Web.
      To add additional content we need to insert more slides. We do this using the New Slide button. The New Slide button is divided into two parts. The top part will automatically insert a slide that has the layout of the title and content. The bottom part of the button allows you to choose the layout of the next slide.
  4. Let’s insert a second slide.
    1. Click on the bottom part of the button.
    2. Click Title and Content.
    3. Click the Click to add title placeholder and type “What this course will cover".
    4. Let’s add bullets in the content area.
      1. Click the Click to add text placeholder.
    5. Type following:
      1. Determine your audience
      2. Best practices
      3. Editing existing content
      4. Writing new content
  5. Let’s change to another theme.
    1. Click the Design tab on the Ribbon.
      This is where we see options for the current design. We could change the variant of the theme we are using, but we want to change the theme completely
    2. Click on the More arrow in the Themes section of the ribbon.
      More themes are now visible on the screen. Notice as you point different themes the current slides change to reflect that theme. Also, notice if you hover over a theme thumbnail you will see a popup card showing the name of that theme.
    3. Click on the Wisp theme.
  6. Let’s insert another slide.
    You can insert a new slide from either the Home tab or the Insert tab. It works the same way in both places.
    1. Click the Insert tab.
    2. Click the bottom part of the Insert Slide button.
    3. Click the Picture with Caption Layout.
    4. To insert a picture.
      A new slide appears. If you follow the prompt and click on the icon in the middle of the first placeholder PowerPoint will try to insert a picture from your computer. There is another option where you can insert a picture online. That is what we want to do. Also if we click inside the placeholder's first PowerPoint l will size the image to fit the placeholder.
      1. Click inside the placeholder for Click icon to add a picture.
      2. Click the Insert tab on the ribbon.
      3. Click the Online Pictures button on the ribbon.
        Note: If you don’t see the Online Pictures button, click the Pictures button on the Insert Tab and then click the Online Pictures button.
      4. In the Bing Image Search, type Writing and press enter.
        When inserting pictures you do want to be aware of and follow copyright laws.
      5. Point at an image and click More Information and Actions.
        You can see the size of the image here and see a link to where the image is available online.
      6. Select an image you like, Click Insert.
    5. Let’s change to a different layout. This will allow us to change the current slide to be more appropriate to the content we want to add.
      1. Click the Home tab and then click the Layout button.
      2. Click Content with Caption.
      3. Click in the Click to add title caption, type Determining your audience.
      4. Click in the Click to add text placeholder.
      5. To add some content.
        1. Type Test, Press Enter.
        2. To turn the text into a bulleted list select the text
        3. From Home tab click Bullets.
      6. Save the presentation as writing-web.
      7. Close presentation.
        The second part of this webinar is going to concentrate on working with animations and transitions
  7. Let’s open a different PowerPoint file.
    1. Open choosing_pet.pptx.
      This presentation is similar to the one we just closed in that it has a title slide and a couple additional slides. Notice there is an empty placeholder on the title slide. Empty placeholders are not displayed when you view a slideshow in presentation mode.
  8. Let’s view the presentation.
    1. Click the Slide Show tab on the ribbon.
    2. Click from Beginning.
    3. Click mouse button to view the slides of the presentation.
      PowerPoint shows a black screen at the end of presentations so if you are still talking to people who are watching the presentation won’t see your presentation in the edit mode.
    4. To end the presentation click on more time with the mouse.
      The slide show is fine but there isn’t much pizzazz to it. We are going to add some interest by adding transitions and animations. Transitions are how you move from one slide to the next. Some transitions bend that definition a bit.
  9. Let’s add transitions
    1. Click the Transitions tab, and then click Glitter.
      Each transition also has options.
    2. To see the options for Glitter click the Effect Options button.
    3. To see the transition again, click Preview or click the small star next to the slide thumbnail.
      A couple of the transitions that are categorized as dynamic content blur the line between transition and animation. For example Conveyor has a fade in for how the slide appears, but it also animates how the title appears on to the slide.
    4. Change the transition to Cover
    5. Click Effect Options and take a look at the options for that transition.
    6. Press escape to close Effect Options
    7. To apply the same transition to all of the slides, click Apply to All
  10. Let’s Add animations
    One difference between animations and transitions is that you have to select what you want to be animated.
    1. Move to the second slide.
    2. Click the Animations tab.
    3. Click inside the bullet list.
    4. Select Fly-In
    5. Click Effects options, and select From the right.
      The preview is a bit deceiving in that it looks like one bullet flies in and then each subsequent bullet comes in. What actually happens when viewing the slide show is that a bullet appears when the mouse is clicked or the arrow button on the keyboard is clicked.  So you can talk about a bullet point before revealing the next bullet. There are options in the Effects options that can control this behavior.
    6. To change how bullets appear click Effects Options.
    7. Click As one object.
    8. All the bullets now would appear at the same time.
    9. Change back to the by paragraph option, by clicking Effects Options and clicking by paragraph.
    10. To apply the settings to the bulleted list on the third slide.
      1. Click on the third slide.
      2. Click inside the bulleted list.
      3. Click Fly-In.
      4. Click Effects Options and Click From the right.
  11. All IT Training's Online self-paced workshops are free for everyone: staff, students, faculty, and members of the community
    1. To find out more you can go to
    2. Click Explore Topics
    3. You can then browse by Topic or click See all IU Expand Courses
      1. Expand is the portal IU uses for online non-credit and continuing education coursework offered to the IU community as well as the general public.
    4. When you find a course you want to enroll in click the course name
    5. Then click View course in Expand
    6. Click the login or sign-up link
    7. On this page you will either log in with an account or if you are a member of the community without an account you will create a new guest account.
      1. For more help logging in or creating an account please visit
    8. Download the exercise file used today.